When Women Rule The World
UCLA Student Documentary

When Women Rule
People's Supper
Betty Valencia media links

September 29, 2019
May 22, 2019
April 17, 2019
3/26/19 Chapman Newsroom- Betty
3/10/19 Panther
3/5/19 Voice of OC- Orange Being Sued
Women's Leadership Forum
3/1/19 Orange Juice Blog
2/19/19 Foothill Sentry
2/4/19 Panther
Valencia to run in special election for council seat
1/23/19 OC Register
Orange expected to hold a special election to fill vacant council seat
1/7/2019 Orange Juice Blog
Orange’s City Council May Not Want Betty Valencia, But It Needs Her
12/13/2018 Voice of OC
Man Pulls Knife as Orange City Council Mulls Appointing New Council Member
11/16/2018 Santiago Canyon College Foundation
Santiago Canyon College Foundation Names Beatriz "Betty" Valencia As New Board Member
11/11/18 Panther
Betty Valencia looks ahead after midterm loss
10/29/2018 Chapman Blog
Why I’m Running for Office
10/14/2018 Betty Valencia for Orange City Council- YouTube
Putting Women in Their Place- Betty Valencia for Orange City Council (CA)
10/1/2018 OC Register
Orange County Dems hope anti-Trump energy will mean wins in cities where GOP has dominated for decades
9/2/2018 KQED
'You're in My Seat': Betty Valencia's Run for Orange City Council
8/26/18 SALON
Beneath the blue wave in Orange County: Not just about House races in longtime GOP stronghold
1/19/2017 C.U.
CES Student Marches on Washington for Women’s Rights